Can you be TOO PERSONAL Personalizing your Marketing and Communication?

Many vendors are beating the drum on personalization. We need to personalize. Personalization is the future. Customers want personalized contet. Personalization strengthens the relation between brands and customers. Personalization increases your revenue. And with all the data and new great technology, today we have the opportunity to embrace this still rather new capability like never…

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Why personalization is important

In today’s hyper-competitive marketplace, businesses are constantly seeking new ways to engage customers, build loyalty, and drive growth. One of the most effective strategies emerging in recent years is personalized marketing communication. Far from being just another buzzword, personalized marketing is proving to be a game-changer. But why should your company start investing in this…

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i samarbete med Marknadscheferna Konverteringar minskar och kunder känner att de drunknar i spam. Det har inte direkt blivit enklare att arbeta som marknadsförare med alla kanaler och verktyg. Tänk att kunna kommunicera med kunder och prospects så att var och en känner att man talar direkt till dem. Hittills har det varit för dyrt att…

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Why your Brand’s Tone of Voice matters

Tone of Voice, or Brand Voice as it also is called, is important in this bustling marketplace of the digital age, where competition is fierce and attention spans are fleeting, why establishing a distinct and compelling brand identity is more important than ever. While logos, colors and slogans are essential components, one often underestimates that…

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