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How we handle Data Security at Solarplexus

Data Security is a hot topic, so it’s a valid question. Let’s try to answer it. is a European AI application respecting EU AI Act and GDPR.

Application is running on Amazon AWS, with servers located in Sweden to make sure they are within EU and compliant. More information on how AWS handles data security:

We are not interested in personal data, we do not need it for segmentation and to create personalized MarCom assets. We need the meta data like Title, Industry, Country, Language or whatever is relevant for your segmentation. The only personal data that could be of interest for us is the e-mail address, and that is to help you benchmark how much better personalized content converts compared to general content. It is your choice if you want to share that information. You can just as well use unique id nr to keep track of who gets what MarCom asset.

When you connect your CRM to the Solarplexus application you are in control of what fields you want to use and import to the application.

After you have used your data for segmentation and created your MarCom assets you can delete it, and it is gone. We do not save it or keep it for just in case.

You can at any time remove the connection to your CRM.


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